Kindergarten begins on August 19; Preschool begins September 3. Learn More →


  Children must be 4 by December 31.
  This class meets 4 or 5 days a week - Monday through Thursday or Monday through Friday.
  The student-to-teacher ratio is two teachers per 12 children.

Our four-year-old children are engaged in many inquiry-based learning experiences. We emphasize language development and pre-literacy skills by reading books, learning rhymes, and finger-plays, “reading” the daily routine, learning to write their names, as well as recognizing the names of their classmates in print. Letter and sound experiences are provided based on the developmental readiness of each child. Children develop number sense through patterning, sorting, classifying, and one-to-one correspondence. Children apply their math and literacy skills in their everyday play indoors and outside. Fine motor development is an essential component of each day as children paint, use scissors, tear tape, and work with manipulatives.

The natural environment surrounding the school gives many opportunities for exploring nature and discovering ways to use natural materials for learning and growing. 

Day at a Glance

Time Description
8:55am Children arrive at school through carpool
9:00 - 9:10am Children put away jackets, snacks, and folders
9:10 - 9:25am Children meet together in a large group to discuss their daily routines (schedules, jobs, special activities)
9:25am - 10:25am Investigations – children choose from activities that include but are not limited to: manipulatives, puzzles, books, blocks, housekeeping, sand/water (touch table), science discovery, art, music
10:25 - 10:45am Snack time – children bring a snack from home to eat during this time
10:45 - 11:00am Large group – teachers may read a book to the children, recite poetry, sing songs, do movement activities, cook a special snack, etc.
11:00 - 11:55am Outdoor play
12:00pm Dismissal – children usually sing a song or have a goodbye ritual for each day and are dismissed to carpool or to after-school activities

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Sign Up for Summer Camp!

June 6-10 and/or June 13-17 – All camps are 9:00am – 12pm

Come join the summer fun! St. Mary’s Preschool offers two weeks of summer camp for children ages 3-6.