Summer Camp Registration Form
We offer an exciting inquiry-based, creative learning environment for ages 3-years-old to raising kindergarteners. All children must be potty-trained to participate in this fun-filled, active week!
Each day, your child should bring a water bottle, a change of clothes and a snack. Your child may attend 1 week or both weeks.
Week 1: May 27th – May 30th, 9:00-12:00
Week 2: June 2nd – June 5th, 9:00-12:00
Please fill out the secure form below to sign up your child for Summer Camp.
Each camp week is $175 if paid by check or $180 if paid via PayPal at the end of the form. Checks must be mailed or turned into the school – 12291 River Road, Henrico, VA 23238.